I've started my blog 2 months ago, I'm not really good with it, but i'll try. What catches most of my attention in other blogs is the header banner,where the blog name ang tagline is place. The graphics ang background used, I'm easily attracted to those parts of the blog.
The first thing I did to establish my blog was to create a good and attractive header. Having the skill in Photoshop and HTML reading, I decided to put up this blog. Researches and tutorials in coding helped me a lot. I usually change my header from time to time, it makes mo bored and I hate seeing it unchanged for a long time.

Anyway, for bloggers from different dimensions, I'd love to do a little help establishing some of your headers. In short, I can make header and banner free of charge. I'm not really good into it, but with skill I could give a little, at least. I do headers for you just to share some of my skills, not really good, but at least could give some boost.
For those who are interested, you can email me at kristan_jale@yahoo.com. Just give me your banner size in pixels, and I'll help it, just give me time. I'll fix them as soon as possible.
...or you can fill up this form concerning the topic.
PS: don't forget to give your blog url, I needed it most. Include your name. Your desired concepts and colors. Thanks
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