It's been a long year. 2009 is already at its peek, while we left the memories we had in 2008. It's been a year of hardship, not just for a Frustrated Student™, but also to the country. I can barely remember what I have done the past months of 2008, all I know is, my bad deeds outnumbered my good deeds. Really. From the start of 2008, I started collecting photos, documented the moments, and recap the memories I've been through by seeing right through the photos. So how did you live 2008? Here's how I ended 2008. Are you up to read my activity highlights of the year 2008?
January THE SLEEPYHEADS and the HARDWORKERS: I've always wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep. I guess that's one of my good old times, but I wasn't able to beat my seatmate from sleeping and snoring out loud in a big classsroom discussion. While here goes the hardworkers, finding every inch of answer they could get when the professor gave a nosebleeding assignment, and quiz.
February PROM NIGHT: I guess everyone enjoyed their prom, except me and the Apocalypse. Everybody's boring, the sick-sounding band the organizers acquired and the food served tasted like sea-water.
March GRADUATION: everybody cried their emotions, well, I guess I've included myself in the one night drama we had in our Graduation Night. Everybody's eyes were bulging, while bidding temporary goodbyes.
April FIRST PIERCING and SUMMER FUN: I was shaking when the ear-piercing professional draw her hand on my piercing spot, my brain stopped working, but later, I was in great relief knowing that it is already finished. This month was also a month for our class section, making the most out of the summer, we decided to have a farewell party. I also got the chance to have my first set of Photography.
May COLLEGE and the CALLING: I enrolled my self at NDDU, with the course IT. I guess I have to live up the course which my sister really wanted. Nothing interesting
June LIFE AS A FRUSTRATED IT STUDENT™: The first semester began and life as a college student started. Meeting up the different faces of the University while making up the faces of those terror profs!
July PRINGLES AND LAKE SEBU: a combination of Pringles for the travel and experiencing the juicy
tilapia of
Lake Sebu for lunch, what more I could ask for? I'd consider those moments, a great time.
August INTRAMURALS AND MY MEDICATION: having the great time during intramurals as a freshman while being interupted by my asthma attacks which led to confinement in the hospital.
September STARTED TO BLOG: i don't know what pushed me to blog, but there's a sudden urge to write my personal experience everyday, so I started this blog.
October JOINED MBS2 AT GENSAN: I got the chance to participate in the summit's second year. Altough I'm new at this event, I got to meet new faces, including
Joanna of Evexjux, and
Sir Avel of Bariles Republic. I also learned a lot of things about blogging, while it helped me to create blog posts endorsing Mindanao, especially Gensan.
November HALLOWEEN AT GRAB-A-CRAB: we spent an unusual halloween eve at
Grab-a-Crab and gathered sometime in
Coffee Club 101. The place was camouflaging the halloween season, besides, there are also roaming group of weirdo vampires and a petite sadako in line with their trick-or-treat promo.
PLURK CITY: I was influence with those widgets I see in everyone's blog, so I explored
plurk, and started enjoying it. My karma number is 71.
December EARLY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION WITH THE APOCALYPSE AND LOGO REQUESTS: I recently took a night-out with the my group,
Apocalypse, to have our early Christmas celebration so that each of us could celebrate with our respective families. I guess the old times were put back to life again during our city-strolling.
Here's just few of the many things I experienced as this year is about to end, so what's yours? Comment on me, so I can read yours too. Be sure to capture every moment you had in 2009 by joining Project 365, ok? Happy New Year.
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