I've recently found a toy of my 5-YEAR OLD brother, a chibi darth vader (chibi means small, cartoon-like), timingly, I was bored and found nothing to annoy with, or nothing interesting to do with, so I decided to ask my brother If I can have the toy, fortunately, he agree. The battery of my cam was already fully charged, so I decided to take photos of the toy. I went out to take it to the road, check if no one is out there, so (poof), nice shot. I went everywhere, just around the house to take some cool angles, I even bring it to the freezer with toblerone on its background (not featured on the photo above). Mr. Darth Vader's adventure begins ar the road, while slowly entering the house living room. He even read a magazine abut blogging (how interesting). Then finally he became bored also, so he went to the freezer for some hot snacks. Oh, I almost forgot, he bring his jukebox with him, (dunno, maybe for his entertainment). He then went to my room, he dig my clothes and disarranged them. He also dig my sneakers. Then, by the time he's finished... dunno. He ATE MY TOBLERONE!
(see, don't even let toys seduce you, just because of boredom)
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